
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Research Has Begun

So, I've started doing research for my next work of fiction. I don't have a well thought out plan yet, just bits and pieces of interesting information. I'm trying to mould a character, which will be a girl, but I don't have much info on her yet. I know she's going to be not quite and adult, as she will still be in school. I just haven't decided if that school is high school or college. The decision will alter many things, and I need to figure what I really want.

I'm also toying with a couple plot lines/character quirks, but I also need to figure out how I am going to execute them in the way/medium I want (which I'm not going to disclose here just yet. I need to work out some of the logistics first).

So, for now, I'm toying with the ideas I've come up with so far. All 2 of them. I've started the research. For example, did you know that singer/songwriter Jeff Buckley spent most of his childhood going by the name Scotty Moorhead? I didn't either. We'll see how that tidbit will play into things, haha.

I wish I could give more details, but, sadly, I don't have them. I'm wary about giving too much information. Not like many people read this, but I don't like to share unless I know something concrete, you know? We'll see what happens.

Until later,


(Edit: I just noticed this. I now have more posts in June than I do for the rest of the year so far. I like this. I'm going to try to keep it up, and keep you abreast of my life-doings. Yeah.)

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