
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I did it again.

Happy 100th Post to me! Yay! This is a milestone!

Though, technically, a few of the 100 remain unpublished, saved-as-draft lost entities, but we shall forgive me that. Happy 100th Attempted Post to me! That's more like it.

Anyway, like I said, I'm going to try to return to this ol' thing more frequently. Thus, I have returned.

Last post I expounded on the joy of reading. Well, I did it again. And there's no "oops" about it. I meant to... sort of. Last night I deprived myself of sleep because I was too into the book I was reading. I had meant to go to sleep at 12:30 a.m. What time did I eventually setting down into my bunk? 2:00 a.m. Whoops.

I had to. I was so close to the end, I couldn't justify sleeping until I had finished it. And I did. And it was good. Too much of a cliffhanger, as I wanted the two people in the last scene to do more than coyly flirt with each other. Like in last post, I'm still reading the Sookie Stackhouse books. Last night's conquest was Book #5. Now I'm about 20 pages into book #6, and I had to force myself to stop. Bringing books to work is a bad thing. It's distracting. I end up catching myself looking at it longingly. I sometimes allow myself 2-minute reading intervals before I resume my work again, but it's never enough to satisfy my narrative-loving heart. These books are fairly easy reads, but still. I don't think I've read this much in a long time. The success of last night's wee hour reading, make 7 books that I have finished in less than a month. This is liberating. This is what I've wanted to do since I graduated college.

Not a very lofty goal, I know. But I know so many people who are like "oh, I'm excited because now that I'm not in school I can just read! And read stuff I want to read, not just stupid school-related books!" But not a lot of people I know have actually done it. And it's taken me over a year, but I'm doing it! Woo! This is exciting.

Alright, back to the grind. More updates on my life later.

In other news: If you're on Twitter, please follow @peterfacinelli ( He's trying to amass 500k followers by Friday. If he does, we get to see his friend Rob DeFranco dance to "Single Ladies" in a bikini on Hollywood Blvd. If he loses, he loses the backing of his chair for Twilight. At the time of this post, Peter has just 130 shy of 200,000. Let's do this!

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