
Monday, June 26, 2006

I Don't Get It...

What is going on with the world? Like two weeks ago a kid I went to elementary school and middle school (i'm not sure where or if he went to high school) died of a brain aneurysm. He was like my age. Then like a week later I found out a friend from school's father died. Then last week one of our soccer players died. She sat next to me in Great Books I spring semester of freshman year. It's almost getting to the point that it's freaking me out.

And to top it all off I had a dream that my friend's car (and house? heh...) was stolen. A few months ago his car was stolen... and that was after my dream that his car BLEW UP. What the hell is going to happen now? I swear to God, if his car blows up..... :( x 1000 Just my mass confusion with the world, I guess.

In lighter news, I'm still in love with the Josh Rouse compilation my friend (the car friend, actually) made me. He also let me borrow his Death Cab dvd "Directions." It's a collection of 13 videos directed by different directors (hence the title) for all the songs on their latest album Plans, plus 2 bonus songs. It was pretty interesting actually. A few of the videos were really weird and I didn't understand at all (and I pretend to be pretty arty). Others were genius, like the ones for "Different Names for the Same Thing" and "Someday You Will Be Loved." And the video for "Crooked Teeth" was histerical.They were amusing, disturbing, depressing and moving (especially "What Sarah Said"... i felt on the verge of tears). It was interesting and worth the watch, but if you can find someone who owns a copy I suggest you borrow it, but I wouldn't necessarily suggest you buy it.

(Please, Friend's Car... don't mess with me....)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Jeez, Christina. Take Forever!

Well well well... it's been for-freaking-ever, eh? In the past few weeks, I really haven't done much. I wish I had more to say about my life, but it's kind of hard to put enough words together to make anything remotely coherent and interesting when you don't have a life to begin with. I'm currently self-employed. Unfortunately, I don't ever get paid... my boss is a bit of a bitch... but there is a bit of a cash flow problem within the company, so I guess I can't really complain. I mean, I did agree to work for free for a little while. I should really look for another job though...

I have taken up yoga these past couple weeks. I've only been to a handful of classes, but so far I like it. Hopefully I'll be able to maintain going there, even with my cash flow problem. I'm taking what the studio calls "Hot Flow" which is basically yoga in a 90+ degree (F) room for 60 to 90 mins. Sometimes it can get up to like 110 degrees. It's a killer. But when that first bead of sweat rolls off your face onto your mat, you know it's worth it. It's cleansing, releasing. The instructors always talk about how certain poses and postures are emotional, and how yoga is a very emotional ordeal for some people. I thought that was kind of weird, until last friday when we were quietly meditating at the end of class and I inexplicably wanted to cry. I didn't actually start, but I could feel it building up in my sinuses. It was bizarre... and yet refreshing. I wish I had taken up yoga a long time ago. Sometimes in class I feel like I'm going to vomit and/or pass out. But when I'm done, and I've showered off all my toxins (hehe) I feel great. A bit tired with a bit of a headache... but just great. And it's good for me too... go figure:P

In Music News: So I got my friend to burn me a CD of this guy Josh Rouse he's been telling me to check out. I gots to conserve money, so I made the very difficult decision to not buy CDs right now (even used) if i've never heard the artist before. So I told my friend to burn me copies of the Josh's CDs. He then offered to burn me his Josh Rouse Compilation. So I gladly accepted (b/c hey, it's better than nothing... and it was free... except for the gas I had to use to go get it... both the time i actually picked it up and the time he had forgotten to make it so I stayed to talk for a few mins anyway, haha). ANYWAY, Josh Rouse. Hoh, my God. WHERE THE HELL HAVE I BEEN?!?!?!? This CD is so wonderful. It has songs from a few of Rouse's albums, I guess my friend's favs or something, and it's all I've been listening to since I picked it up yesterday afternoon. At first only a few of the songs were catching me... but then I took a closer listen and I'm addicted to most of them on here now. All of the songs on the burned CD are from albums released within the past decade, but there's an older feeling to Rouse's music. It refreshing when all you hear lately is "Junk" Punk and "Crap" Rap (nicknames mine) like AFI or any of the hacks who think they're rappers. I'm so tired of this craze. Much of Rouse sounds like it's out of the seventies. A couple songs are reminiscent of the disco era (as reminiscent as anything can be to someone who never actually LIVED the disco era). Overall, it's great. I'm in love with the song "Comeback (light therapy)." I've listened to it at least 20 times today. You should check it out.

That's really about it... hopefully the next time I blog won't take 3 weeks, but no guarantees. Until then....

Friday, June 02, 2006

Song Headaches suck :(

I'm really tired, but I can't sleep. I want to go to sleep. But I can't. I can't explain it either. All I have to do is turn off the light, and lie down quietly, and try to relax. But I know I won't be able to relax. And I'm not even sure what my problem is. It's not like I'm doing anything important. My mind is plagued, I guess.

I can't even tell you by what. I know... but I'm not going to tell you, haha. So I'm going to be cryptic: There's this song that I can't get out of my head. I sing it every day while watching tv, going out around town, whoring around on myspace. Even in weird situations where thinking about the song is not appropriate. I wish that I could get rid of this song-headache, but nothing seems to cure me. Maybe if I find another song, but I don't care about other songs. This song is my favorite. Even when I'm driving, i'm looking around at different cars wondering if they know my song too. If they've heard it before. If they are as obsessed with it as i am. I wish that I wasn't. It pisses me off, quite frankly. I tell myself not to think about the song, but I can't seem to forget it. It just keeps looping and looping in my head. I hear it on my iPod, and on my computer, and I wonder when the next time I'll get to hear it performed in person will be.

And yet, I wish that I could just stop thinking about this freaking song for one minute. For one day, I want to not have to go through the lyrics and the information I'm gleaning about its meaning. I want to be devoid of this song. I constantly tell myself that I'm a fool for thinking about it so much, and there's no reason for me to be, but I never seem to listen. I just laugh it off, and go back to thinking about it, to singing it, to wondering about it. Sometimes I think that I've over-analyzed it, over-analyzed my experiences with it. I'm a fool and I'm making up stories. I have to get a grip and find a new song. A song for my generation, as it were. But I haven't cared for these kinds of songs in so long. I live in the past (and sometimes in a past that I barely remember, if i've lived it at all). This particular song has been around for longer than I have, but I fell in some form of love with it from the first time I heard it about 4 or so years ago.

Slowly, over time and over multiple listens, I think I've fallen in love with it. Or at least with the version I understand. I KNOW there is more to it than I'm gathering, but it's hard to truly and fully understand without an explanation, without a guided tour, if you will. But you know what, dammit? I WANT a guided tour. I do. I want one. I want to be able to understand this song as fully as it's humanly possible to understand. It intrigues me so. And yet I know that I need to let it go.

But I don't want to. In case I DO finally get that guided tour....

And this is why I am left awake at 3am. What the hell is wrong with me??

[I know that was kind of confusing, but I suppose it makes sense to those whom it's supposed to make sense...]