
Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Twitter Rocks My Digital World

So, I finally joined Twitter. Some (1) of you may know, but others (1) may be unaware, so I decided to share. It's actually pretty fun. It's like Facebook, only without anything but status updates, which to be honest, was always one of my favorite parts. Seriously, I was so excited when they got rid of the mandatory "is" and you could suddenly exist in other tenses besides present progressive (wowza, how's that for a grammar flashback! haha).

So, yeah, I kept hearing about it on the news and everyone was demanding you "follow" them on Twitter. When I watched a segment on Dateline about it maybe about a month and a half ago, I decided, eh what the heck? So I spent approximately 10 days trying to come up with a great username. What did I end up with? clrumbaugh. Oh yeah. Cleverness at it's peak.

But Twitter is actually pretty nifty. It updates in realtime (apparently), so it's a good way to keep in contact/stalk people. A lot of celebrities use it actually, which is quite entertaining... and brings the level of stalkability WAY up.

I follow these celebrities:

among others :)

There are lots of companies, publications, stores, whatever on there too, which is pretty cool. I don't mean to sound so advocatey about Twitter, but it is a lot of fun.

That said, here's a shameless plug. Follow me!