
Monday, September 24, 2007

Part 2: God Gets a Lawyer

Wow, I didn't think this would happen. But there have been developments in the lawsuit against God.

Looks like God found Himself a lawyer who has responded in His defense. The problems He was accused of, God's lawyer says, is the fault of the people for not acknowledging signs of impending doom. I wonder what's going to happen next...

Click here for the whole story.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Most Amusing

Okay, I know it's kind of boring when I just post news stories, but this has got to be one of the most amusing stories I've read in a really really really long time.

A Nebraska state senator sued God last week. Yes, that's right: he sued God. Sen. Ernie Chambers has accused God of causing "widespread death, destruction, and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants." The Almighty is also alliterationally accused of causing "fearsome floods... horrendous hurricanes, [and] terrifying tornadoes."

The senator, apparently, was trying to prove his point that anyone can bring a lawsuit against anyone, and that the whole thing is getting a little out of hand, as we now have to deal with frivolous lawsuits left and right. Awesome idea. Really.

Click here for the whole ridiculous story. (note: the picture is especially ironic. I love it.)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Amusing News #2

Okay so here are a couple more news stories that I found amusing in some way or another. Honestly, I think I just like trying to come up with clever tag-lines, haha. Enjoy!

O.J. Simpson a suspect... maybe this time...

One sausage is enough

An Un-sticky situation ... har har... this is actually pretty cool.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Amusing News #1

Hello everyone!

I apologize for the long post last time. I know that I ramble on for too long, but sometimes that's how long it takes for me to fully explain the thoughts going through my head. Sometimes there's just too many, but whatever.

I'm not going to do that here though. Not a lot has been going on lately. I moved back to Jersey for my senior year of college! Woo hoo! Celebrate good times, come on! Heck yes. Kinda excited, but also kinda sad that it's all going to be over in a few months' time. But prospects on the horizon are pretty exciting. We shall see.

But since I don't really have much to talk about, I thought I'd share a few things that were amusing me today (in true blog fashion):

National Let's Make a Baby Day!

Creepy Attempt to Make Blood Run as One

Lonely Ex-Con a Con Again