
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Top 10 Albums posted!!

It's up!! Whew... damn... it only took me a month and 10 days, but I finally posted my Top 10 Albums of 2008 list. Go check it out on Play Your Stereo Loud. Do it now. I'll wait. I know it's kind of long there aren't any pictures, but it's divided up nicely into smaller chunks to make for easy and (hopefully) interesting and informative reading. Let me know what you think. Or check out some of the music for yourself!

Happy reading! And Enjoy!

Until next time...

Sunday, February 01, 2009

And 4 months later...

I really need to start writing in this thing more often. I also really need to get on it and finish my Top 10 list for 2008. It's mostly written, but I have 2 entries left. I hope to have it out to you before, say February 5th. Jeez... it's supposed to be posted within the first few days of the year, but I was way too... behind schedule for that. I'll explain more when I finally post the damn thing.

Anyway, I can't believe it's been almost 4 months since I've posted anything here. I was creating a list to help me keep track of my CDs for 2009 over at my listography page, and I was bumming around other people's pages when I discovered a few other blog sites. I was really tempted to start one on like Wordpress or something when i remembered I had this one. That I never update. Like ever, really. And I thought, well damn... why don't I just freaking re-vamp this thing, or at least resuscitate it?

Yeah, I think I'm going to try. I might not be any good at it, but I'll try... in case any of my (2) readers ever periodically check back in with me. Hear that guys, I'mma try again!!
