Okay, so I accidentally left out some pics from this last week. First of all, I'm completely forgot to mention Bain Mattox (how could that be????). Breanne and I saw them on Wednesday [though I'm sure there was some reluctance on her part, haha;) ]. But so, I love Bain Mattox: God of Rock. He couldn't be the God of Accordion that day because it was broken.

So he was the god of Banjo. (Holy crap, this is insane. My Damien Rice/Jack Johnson Pandora station is playing Stephen Lynch's "Jim Henson's Dead"! Hahahahahahah! Awesome.).

Also, because I'm a huge dork, I asked Bain to take a pic with us. I love me some Bain. Haha.
Anyway, so there were also some pictures taken of last Saturday which I totally intended to include in the previous post, but forgot. So here are those:

This is me being sea sick.....

...... and this is Diana almost being smushed by a helicopter out on the flight deck of the ship.

And here's the whole giant thing. The USS Intrepid, I think is what's it's called (haha, i should know... but I don't... loser).

Oh and here's Diana with Fake McDreamy... It kinda looks like him, right? Right? Eh, more so in person maybe. Anyway, this is Diana and her new friend Patrick Dempsey... ::cough cough:: yes. haha.
Anyway, here are some of the pics. It was a fun day.
And I love Bain Mattox. Hehe.
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