On Saturday, my cousins Danielle and Jason, and I went into NYC to meet our other cousin Nick (and his girlfriend) and hang out. While Nick went to meet his girlfriend at the trainstation, Danielle, Jason, and I went to Madame Toussaud's wax museum. It was highly entertaining.

After that we had a very interesting time walking around the East Village where we met this band from LA at a Starbucks. They're called The Hanks. The lead singer, Josh, let me listen to them on his CD player, and they were pretty good actually. Wouldn't mind owning that CD. Then Danielle told him he looked like Tobey Maguire... which he kinda did. Then as they were leaving, she asked him when Spiderman 3 was coming out, then proceeded to sing the Spiderman song. Loads of family fun. Haha.
On an entirely different note... I'm trying to do this photo scavenger hunt. I have a list of 26 things to photograph, and I think I only have about 11 or so... I have to get moving. I only have until December 1st. I'll post the results here when (if) I get them done. Until then...