Hello! And Welcome back to my blog. I haven't updated in a few weeks, but rest assured, I am still here. Unfortunately, I only seem to be able to stop by periodically.
This semester has been pretty crazy. Lots of crap going on. Lots of papers getting written. Mid-terms and such. Luckily there are only a few weeks left of the semester, which is actually pretty scary. That means there are only a couple more months before I have to get started on my life in the "real world."
But until then, I just have to sit back, relax, and remember that I'm still in college. That said, I've been doing a lot of procrastinating. Two weeks ago I became obsessed with missing 24-year-old Kyle Fleischmann. He went missing Nov. 9, 2007 around 2 or 3 am from the Buckhead Saloon in uptown Charlotte, NC. Police and volunteers have been searching the area since then, but there has been no sign of him (that I'm aware of). I've slacked off a little in my following of the story, but there haven't really been any new developments. But if you have any information please contact Crime Stoppers at 704.334.1600.

I feel strangely drawn to the whole case, as if I feel some responsibility to help find him. When they had the sweep a couple weekends ago, I was sad that I wasn't going to be in Charlotte to help. I don't know why, but I feel like I need to help. But I don't know how I can do that from here other than to let my readers (all 2 of them) know.
I don't know. In other news, I went shopping on Black Friday. It was kinda cool. There were so many people there. Kinda like this:

The Office, Season 1: $8.99
The Office, Season 2: $12.99
and a few other movies. It's all pretty sweet, haha. They're my Christmas present to myself. I think I'll like them.
Other than that, there's not much going on in my world. How was your day?
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