
Sunday, September 10, 2006


Okay, so I meant to post this about two weeks ago.

When Amy, her boyfriend Jay and I went to the Counting Crows concert on August 29th, we took separate cars. Thus I had to walk from the parking lot by myeslf. But it was cool because i heard one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life. Some of you may have heard of the veyr funny site For those who have not, you should check it out. New York is filled with people, and you'd be amazed at the percentage of people are are just retarded. People send the website stupid/silly conversations they overheard. It's actually very amusing. Check it out.

Anyway, I think there should be one for Charlotte. What I heard that night of the concert would definitely make it.

Guy in Orange Shirt: Man, I remember the last time we were here... like 2003. Phish, man. That was an awesome night!
Guy's Friend: You haven't been to a concert since 2003?
Guy in Orange: Nah, man. Remember? 2004-2005 I was in prison.
Guy's Friend: Oh yeah.

Something I heard in the Arbo Walmart would also make it I think.

Little boy: Look, mom! Fun-ton!
Mom: Baby, that says futon...

Maybe not the funniest things ever (though I think the first quote is hilarious), but I still think they're amusing. Someone should start and Overheard in Charlotte site. It'd have like 3 visitors a week. And two of them would probably be me... whatever...

Just a random thought,

1 comment:

Breanne Crawford said...

hahahha i like the first one, too.

but i tend to go for the delinquints ;)