So this weekend saw the 4th of July, which means that I saw fireworks. Twice. Is it just me, or is it weird for a town to have its annual July 4th fireworks show on July 3rd? Either way, went to that one in Red Bank, NJ. Then on Saturday, I saw the Macy's 4th of July Fireworks Extravaganza or whever it's called in NYC. That was pretty cool I guess. If you could look past the fact that they had us standing on the West Side Highway behind a line of trees ubstructing the view of the fireworks. The most amusing part, however, was probably the way back to midtown from the West Side. I dont' know if I've ever seen so many people walking to the same place. There had to be thousands and thousands of people

I tried to take some video, but it came out kind of dark. It's of the sea of people walking behind me up 34th Street. Don't know if you can see anything...
It was pretty crazy. It probably took us like 40 minutes to get to Times Square, which is ridiculous considering we only had to walk 8 blocks up and 4 blocks over. There were entirely too many people. But, you know what. I kind of loved it. We didn't get to do much else as we had to book it back to the train station, but it was good times.
Man, I didn't realize how much I missed NYC until I hadn't been in it for a while, and then went two Saturdays in a row! I need to make another appointment to go in. :)
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