
Friday, August 25, 2006

Hahahahahah Holy Crap!!!

I did it! I did it! I won! I won! Oh yeah, that's right.

Remember that little haiku writing contest I told you about last post? Well... it's not really a contest in that I win anything... unless you count getting to bask in the glory of my genius and Psych devotion. To recap, a mission was given to write haikus about the new hit USA show called "Psych." You could basically write as many as you wanted, but only a few would be selected and featured on the Production Blog "Fly On the Wall." Hell yes, this is like a small self-esteem victory! I, Christina a.k.a. Psyched4Psych, was given special thanks. That's right, I said "special thanks" for giving a shout out to my half soul-mate Gus, the buddy in this buddy-cop/psychic show. You all know how much I hate bad grammar, and I could tell there was something special about this particular haiku when I wrote it, even though it wasn't particularly my favorite. Hahahaha, I didn't even win anything, but I am so excited. Hahahaha:D.

This is like small personal victory for Christina. My haiku is being read all over the world. Oh yeah. That's right. :) x 1000

1 comment:

Breanne Crawford said...

wooooot! youre famous! congrats dude!