But seriously, I did. It's approximately 1:14am and I'm not tired at all. Maybe because I woke up at like 11:30. I try not to wake up that late, but I can't help it. But I feel like my entire day is gone if I wake up after noon. It really sucks. Haven't been up to much. On Friday, Alison, Mary Ann and I went to see my musician friend play at this wine shop in the university area. He was pretty good. I told him to play Josh Rouse and he played my favorite song. That made me extremely happy. I told him to play more Josh Rouse when I talked to him between sets, but he forgot. It was okay though because he played my other requests: Damien Rice, The Fray, and an original song called "Grace" that I am absolutely in love with. It's sad and heartfelt. It's wonderful to see/hear performed. Unfortunately it was hard to enjoy it because I could tell my friends were getting antsy and wanted to leave; we had been there for over 4 hours already, hahaha. Plus the rest of the crowd was getting loud and drunk and annoying (stupid whores, hahah). Also, for reasons unknown, we plunked down at a table kinda far away from him. So that kinda sucked. I promised him next time we'd sit closer; he wants our applause to spread to the rest of the crowd so that they pay attention to him, hahaha. Or at least more attention. Oh well. Next time I'll sit closer.
Saturday was Alison's surprise birthday party. Her birthday isn't until today (Tuesday), but it was the weekend, so we had it. It was kinda cool. I'd never been to a surprise party before. Her parents planned it; but my job was to get a group of friends there. Mary Ann helped, haha. It was really cute. Alison was really surprised; she had no idea. The beginning of the party was kind of emotional, haha. It was sweet and fun. Afterwards a few of us ventured on to the movies where we saw You, Me & Dupree. It was kind of a feel good movie, haha. It was cute actually. Is it just me, or does Owen Wilson play fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants characters every time? Oh well, he's good at it, heh. It really was a cute movie. Kate Hudson is my girl crush. I love her. Hahaha. I want to be her when I grow up :P
Also, I finally found a creative outlet. I could feel this need for creativity building up for a couple weeks now. I try to write more to my story when I feel that, but it didn't work this time.

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