I really just freaked myself out. I make a point to record most of my dreams in a journal. Or, at least, I try to record the poignant ones... or at least the ones that I remember. Okay, so sometimes I'm not very good at it, but I try. But the point is that dreams are very important to me, and I think that they can help us make sense of our days, of our thoughts. And maybe even sometimes they can tell us the future.
This has happened to me a few times, though it's never spot on. I think I've probably written about this here before, but whatever. I once had a dream that a friend was in a car accident near my high school -- turns out there was an accident there. He wasn't in it, but he was the one I heard it from. I once had a dream that my friend's grandmother died -- turns out she didn't. Another girl we went to school with lost her grandmother (and mother and little brother... horrible accident), but my friend was the one who told me about the grandmother (and mother and little brother). I once had a dream that another friend's car exploded-- apparently a few days later, it was stolen. The day before high school graduation rehearsal, I had a dream that this one kid was wearing a bright orange graduation gown, when no one else was -- the day of the rehearsal, he was wearing a bright orange t-shirt... I could list more...
So whenever I have a remotely ominous dream, I'm immediately thrown into panic mode. I'm so worried, I become physically distressed over the dream. They ruin my day sometimes. So, it's really no wonder I became so upset over the dream I had last November regarding one of my favorite musicians, Xxxx Xxxxxx*.
Now, I don't make a habit of dreaming about him, so when one does come along, I pay attention. This dream, was about him, though the underlying issue in the dream was about his wife. I don't necessarily feel comfortable writing about her as I've never met her, but it's for the sake of conveying the weirdo shit that's been going down in my Dreamland. In my dream (that I had on the night of 11/1/08), she was pregnant but had a miscarriage. I can't remember if I had actually heard in real life that she was pregnant again or not. I'm thinking no, but I can't be sure. So in the dream, she lost the baby. And Xxxx was upset. Like VERY upset. He was crying and in a really horrible state. I wanted to comfort him, but I couldn't. He couldn't be consoled. I felt so bad for him, I wanted to cry. I woke up distraught. It ruined my mood for a long time that day. I prayed to God that if she was pregnant, I was dead wrong.
So I kind of forgot about that dream, until I had a few more unsettling dreams about Xxxx Xxxxxx. I won't go into detail here as I don't really remember them. One involved a car accident (also VERY upsetting), another involving arrest for possession (haha), and another more personal one about him brushing me off when I saw him at a show. Haha, that was upsetting for different reasons. But because I try not to take much stock in these kinds of dreams, willing them to not be true, I didn't think about them much, and I had almost forgotten about the original dream.
But then I logged onto Facebook today. Holy shit, his wife had a baby a couple weeks ago! Yay! Oh, she's so cute! Congrats!! (She
is adorable by the way. Aww!). Suddenly I remember the dream I had almost a year ago. I think,
oh wow it was almost a year ago. maybe the dream was correct. holy crap that's really scary!. But then I actually went to a calendar to do the math. If the baby was born in August, can anyone tell me what month was 9 months ago? Yeah. November. The dream was a little over 9 months before the baby was born, so I have no idea what that was about. Wouldn't it be weird if I was channeling someone else's fears? But still, seriously. Holy crap.
*I originally wrote his name, but thought better of it. This dream was really weird and disturbing, so I figured it's probably best if I don't reveal real names. For whatever reason. Yeah.