Have you ever been so sick that you start to imagine things? Have you ever been so sick that you were delusional? Oh yeah, that's the best kind of sick. Once when I was about 14 or 15 I got so sick for no reason. There was no cause for my illness, but I was burning up, but I was freezing cold. In the middle of July. I was so sick. And because I was so sick, I thought I was going to die. I got it in my head that my fever was going to kill me. I was so scared I was crying; I was positive it was going to happen. Funny how that happens.
But this story isn't about that day (but related, so i threw that one in here). This story happened a couple years before. I was 12 or 13, and in 7th grade, if I remember correctly. One morning I woke up and I had some other mysterious illness. I had a fever. I was coughing, I was light-headed. I was SICK. I was delirious. So I took some cough medicine and laid in my inflatable bed, which is really hard to lay on when you're sick b/c 1) the sheets always slide off, so you're contstantly having to get off and readjust and 2) it makes plastic rubbing noises, and that's annoying as hell even if you're not sick. But so it was bad because being annoyed and sick is not cool. But it was okay because I had my television. TV is awesome when you're sick. Especially when you're delirious.

So there I was, at like 10:30 in the morning. I was flipping channels, all hopped up on like nyquil or something. I found PBS; the Teletubbies were on. I stopped to watch. The yellow one and the red one were on opposite sides of a brick wall that couldn't have been bigger than 3 feet wide and like 5 feet tall. They were on opposite sides of the wall.... and they couldn't find each other!
I have never laughed harder. "She's on the other side!" I yelled at the yellow one. "Hehehehe! No, the other way!" I giggled. "No, Laa Laa, you stay there! Po, she's on the other side! Just walk around! Hehehehehe!" I said.
I was trying to help them find each other, because for some reason I thought they could hear me, kinda like how the little kids yell at Blues Clues (which by the way, i'm 90% sure that I saw Steve in NYC yesterday... he was going into a pizzeria in Chelsea, hehe) or Dora the Explorer. Seeing those two try to find each other on opposite sides of a 3 foot wide brick wall was HILARIOUS. I love that show...
And I love being delirious! Haha...
wow. yes. you certainly do need help.
thank you for the visual too ; )
Yes u need help asap ! inflatable bed
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