A lot has happened. I went home for Thanksgiving Break. Got to spend three days in Charlotte just bumming around town. Bought a kick ass digital camera. It's a FujiFilm S6000 fd. It's really cool. It has a pretty kickin' zoom and 6 megapixels. And all the cool ass manual settings too. And I took these totally awesome pics:

They're pretty awesome.
Also, in other news. I won NaNoWriMo 2006! That's right, I wrote over 50,000 words in a month! That means that now I can finish my novel, edit it, and then look into finding an agent and a publisher. That's so exicting! Something I've wanted for so long may actually become a reality! Can you believe this???
Because I can't. This is insane. Welp, off to do more writing instead of homework or something else I should be doing... until then...
<3 Christina