It's between this guy guy playing a guitar and this somewhat inbred boy playing a banjo. This is the boy:

I knew he looked familiar, but I couldn't figure it out, so I watched the rest of the movie, which wasn't bad.
But once the movie was over, I decided to watch this scene again because I loved it the first time I saw it. That's when I realized where I'd seen this person before.
Now, I've never actually seen this person before. I've never seen the movie, nor met this person in real life, but I once knew someone who looks very simliar. And when I finally realized who it looked like... I laughed... really fucking hard.

This is Mr. L (I will withhold his full name simply because this could be embarrassing for him... hahaha). He was the band teacher my senior year in high school. He was a douche. He made me lose interest in band in high school. I hated my senior year because of him. Jerk. And one of my best friend's sister quit band because of him too, but whatever. But seriously, the only people who liked him were ass-kissers and the freshmen and sophomores who didn't know any better (we lost a great band teacher after my sophomore year and never recovered, at least in my opinion). I seriously think he purposely gave me bad grades. Dude gave me a C on our midterm. In fucking band! But then he saw my report card: all A's (including 4 AP classes) except his class... a B. He told me to come see him, and he changed my midterm C to a B, which raised my average to an A. I think he realized he fucked up. The jerk. Ugh! I hold a bit of a grudge, so fucking shoot me.
But yes, he looks like the kid from Deliverance. What a great revelation. Ah, sweet vengeance. :)
(P.S. - I think/hope that's pie and/or whipped cream..... haha)
1 comment:
It definitely doesnt LOOK like pie or whipped cream. eek...
Bout time you wrote again :)
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