When Breanne, her boyfriend Andrew, and I went to the city on Saturday, after we go tickets to Rent, we came here. We didn't get to go very far, but we got to see some cool stuff. Like this statue on the corner of 59th and Central Park West.
This isn't actually all of the statue, but this part looked pretty cool. There's even a mini water fall. It looks really cool.
Unfortunately there were a lot of homeless people sleeping there, which made me kinda sad.
In a weird sort of way, I think this is beautiful. Like the floating bag is beautiful in American Beauty. Their situation is unfortunate, but it's a way for people in a civilized country like the US to see poverty stricken people. They try to ignore them, but really, they can't. They can't.
But the rest of the park was really nice.
I was surprised, though, that more of the leaves haven't changed. It was so cold that day, and had been for about a week. The leaves have been changing around campus, but there in Central Park, most of the leaves were still bright summer green.
I love this picture. I love how the benches here seem to go on forever, how they seem to stretch until you can no longer see anything. I don't know why, but everything seemed beautiful that day.
Too bad we didn't have a whole lot of time to spend in the Park. But we had lots more to do.
We had to see Rent, of course. And my God, if you only see one Broadway show this year, make it Rent (even though it's been out for almost 10 years... haha). It was amazing. I've never seen a Broadway play before, so Rent was my first. I don't even really want to reveal any of the plot, in case anyone reading this hasn't seen it. But it was... spectacular. Uh! Just wonderful.
After Rent, and after our second trip to Central Park, we tried to make our way down to the Village. But we had been there for a really long time, and we were tired, and not quite sure where we were trying to go, so we ended up getting off the subway at the wrong stop and lost. But we found the subway again, got back on, and got off at 2nd Ave. We walked around there for a while, but didn't find what we were looking for, and it was getting late. So we headed home. There definitely isn't enough time in the day. Next time, we're going to have to stick to one area per day. Then I'll get to take more really nice pictures . Like this one I got in Strawberry Fields.
I was here a long time ago. I can't even remember when. I thought I got a picture of this then, but I couldn't find it anywhere. So I wanted to find it again to get another great picture. Someone had arranged flowers in a peace sign on the mozaic. The wind had blown some of the flowers out of place, but it still looked really nice. I'm glad I finally got to go back to it. I would have liked to stay longer, but it was getting dark and we had things to do. Some other day.
Well, that was my trip to NYC. Not that it was the first... or the last. But it was definitely a memorable one. Rent, Central Park, the Subway (I helped this kid with his scavenger hunt by letting him take a picture of me on the subway holding a sign that said "deez nutz." Haha), and just walking around talking. I so love the city...
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