But, even though it was a touch of home, it still wasn't the same. Maybe it was because the room was filled with teeny-boppers waiting for some former boy-bander I think. I don't know who he was, but it didn't matter because I wasn't there to see him anyway. Bain was my reason for traveling an hour and a half to a tiny dark street I'd never been before. It was also different because I didn't have my usual Bain patron with me -- Amy. The other two times I've seen Bain Mattox, Amy had been with me. She even drove 2 hours back to Charlotte from Boone to come see him this past June. That was a good show. Mary Ann came too.

Even though they were only on for about 30 or 40 minutes, it was so worth it. I would have liked it if they were on for another hour, and I told Bain this, and he smiled and said "well maybe next time." He's a really friendly guy. I went up to him before their set because I wanted to buy their new CD, and he was talking to some band members and I waited, but then they showed no signs of stopping, so I butted in.

I think I might have made two new Bain fans. That would be awesome. I love Bain.
(Sorry about the quality of the pics... my camera's zoom and flash are kinda crappy...)
#1. The whole band
#2. Bain, God of Rock
#3. Ah, the accordion
#4. Mandolin, baby!
(update about album to come... sneak peek: "it fucking rocks" haha)
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