
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Secrets of Others...

I know I haven't updated in a long time, and I know I'm due for one (and it may be long), but I don't feel like writing one. Instead I share with you a postcard I just saw on Occasionally I'll find one that I identify with, or one that just has so much emotion I feel like crying. But I just found one so much more emotional than any other secret I remember seeing on this site or in the books. It's beautiful and devestating, and almost made me vomit with dispair. I want to cry:

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I need a song, stat!

You ever have those days when something just doesn't seem to fit correctly? I'm not talking about clothes or anything like that. I'm talking about things that you love, but for some reason, on any particular day, just don't seem to fit mentally.

Perhaps you are a little lost. I will explain: I listen to music everyday. I have it. It's almost a biological need... like food or water or shelter. I need it, in some form, to survive. Today, I especially needed it. No real reason in particular... it just felt like my brain needed it. This sounds weird, but that's what it feels like.

However, my dilemma is that no matter what music I tried, nothing seemed to fit. Nothing satiated my desire for musical sounds and rhythms. I scrolled through all the music on my iPod, desperately trying different things, hoping one of them would stick. Coldplay. Damien Rice. Dead or Alive. Death Cab for Cutie. Duncan Sheik. Elton John. Genesis. Jane's Addiction. Madness. Mazzy Star. Modest Mouse. New Order. Ok Go. I tried them all. Even Paul Simon's "Kodachrome" gave me no relief. I thought Plain White T's "Hey There, Delilah" was going to work, but it didn't.

My God, what was I going to do?? Then, for shits and giggled, I put on a song I don't listen to often. It's a fun song, and I enjoy it... I just don't typically choose to listen to it that often. But of course, this is the song that finally worked. This is the song that finally released the anxiety and pressure building up in my head.

What was that song you ask?

You asked for it (I dare you not to smile):

What's wrong with me? Hahaha...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Where is Kyle?

Dear Faithful Readers,

Hello! And Welcome back to my blog. I haven't updated in a few weeks, but rest assured, I am still here. Unfortunately, I only seem to be able to stop by periodically.

This semester has been pretty crazy. Lots of crap going on. Lots of papers getting written. Mid-terms and such. Luckily there are only a few weeks left of the semester, which is actually pretty scary. That means there are only a couple more months before I have to get started on my life in the "real world."

But until then, I just have to sit back, relax, and remember that I'm still in college. That said, I've been doing a lot of procrastinating. Two weeks ago I became obsessed with missing 24-year-old Kyle Fleischmann. He went missing Nov. 9, 2007 around 2 or 3 am from the Buckhead Saloon in uptown Charlotte, NC. Police and volunteers have been searching the area since then, but there has been no sign of him (that I'm aware of). I've slacked off a little in my following of the story, but there haven't really been any new developments. But if you have any information please contact Crime Stoppers at 704.334.1600.

I feel strangely drawn to the whole case, as if I feel some responsibility to help find him. When they had the sweep a couple weekends ago, I was sad that I wasn't going to be in Charlotte to help. I don't know why, but I feel like I need to help. But I don't know how I can do that from here other than to let my readers (all 2 of them) know.

I don't know. In other news, I went shopping on Black Friday. It was kinda cool. There were so many people there. Kinda like this:
Only there were many, many more people, and we were organized into a line. There had to be like 1,000 people in front of me, and I got there at 4:15am! And the store opened at 5am! I still got what I wanted though.

The Office, Season 1: $8.99
The Office, Season 2: $12.99

and a few other movies. It's all pretty sweet, haha. They're my Christmas present to myself. I think I'll like them.

Other than that, there's not much going on in my world. How was your day?

Friday, November 09, 2007

Song Headache (a real one this time, haha)

The mind is amazing thing. One of the wonders of the mind is the random appearance of a song.

Why does a song, a song we haven't thought of in years, a song we learned the words to years ago, suddenly pop into our heads, unannounced?

Why, when I was doing laundry earlier, did a song we used to sing in elementary school suddenly spring into my head? When I was in second grade or something like that, we used to have assemblies about imagination and I don't even remember what. It was held in the gym/multi-purpose room. We would "fly" on our "magic carpets" (a.k.a. sitting on a carpet square) to far off lands and learn valuable cultural and imaginative lessons. Our gym teacher (Ms. Clarkson?) and our art teacher (Mrs. Rutherford?) would lead us in a song before every "flight."

I was 7 years old. And I still remember all of the words.

Come take a ride on the magic carpet
Come exploring with me
We'll see the sights from the highest mountains
To the lowest depths of the sea
So many miracles
So much to learn
So many things to see and to do
I don't think that anything could be more fun
Than seeing them and doing them with you!
So come take a ride on the magic carpet
A truly miraculous, magic carpet!
Come exploring with me!

Hahaha, some of the things I remember are so bizarre. :)

Thursday, November 08, 2007

November Blues

So, I realize that it's been like a month. I'm really bad at updating this thing. It's really a shame. I could update this more frequently, but this semester has been a total energy and time eater. I have no idea how it's already November. October came and went, and I barely remember it. And where the hell did September go? I've been trying to take like one day at a time, but they're still slipping away. I'm not an alcoholic or anything, but I figured if I can go one day without breaking down (which doesn't happen that often), then I can get through this stress and I can make it out alive.

I've realized that's what I really want. I just want to make it out of college alive.

It's my last year. This should be fun, but all I feel is depressed and stressed out. There are a million things I have to do before I go. Also, I have recently realized (and blogged about over the summer), I don't think I'm ready to enter the real world. The prospect of having to get an apartment and get a job and pay for my own health insurance and bills scares me to freaking death. I've desperately wanted all this for the past four years, but now that it's imminent, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself.

Also, I think my parents may move. This is a BIG deal. No, it's not really that big a deal, but my parents have lived in the same house since I was 4 (minus the year or so we lived in the apartment). We lived there when I started school, and it's always been the home I've gone to when on break from college. I'd say like 90% of my childhood memories are at that house, and now they may be moving.

View Larger Map

My dad may be getting a job in Raleigh. We have to wait and see, but if he does, that's a 3 hour commute, and that ain't happening. So they'd have to move. Which means that my permanent address is going to change (though i'm going to have to get one of my own soon anyway). So now when I go "home" I'm going to be 3 hours from my friends and my memories. And it's funny that in the midst of being afraid of being away from friends and memories... my brain also found it necessary to note how far I'd be from Manifest... I <3 Manifest...
There's something wrong with me...

Monday, October 08, 2007

An Update? For Realz? For Realz.

I know I haven't really been writing about me in the past few weeks. I haven't really had any thing to write about. I mean, I always have something I can write about, but there were no complete or coherent thoughts. There was nothing that I could sit still long enough to write about.

Something reminded me of the blog I used to have a long time ago over at LiveJournal. So I read through some of the most recent entries (and when I say recent, I mean like Fall of 2005). Some of them were pretty interesting. Back then I was less concerned with brevity and impressing people than I feel I am now. I mean, if you look at some of the entries on this blog, I'm not too damn interested in being brief either, but it almost feels like I was so free back then.

I don't know why I've stopped. I guess I'm afraid of being candid again. As some of you may know (though most of you probably don't) I found me a new boyfriend. That's right. I have a boyfriend again for the first time in 5 years. His name is Chad and he's good people. He's smart and caring and makes me smile. Like I said, he's good people. That's really all the information I'm going to reveal at this time, but that should suffice, haha.

Besides that, I've got school going for me. Got the Senior Seminar paper that I have to start researching and writing soon. On top of a paper for my Contemporary Fiction class. On top of a paper for my Music of America class. I feel pretty optimistic, though. I can swing it.

Though, I really should be doing reading for Senior Seminar instead of updating, but whatever.

Other than that, there's really not a whole lot going on. I mean, it's day-to-day, pretty action-packed. I don't really have a lot of free time. I really, honestly just want to graduate and get a job, but who knows. Grad school still looms over my head. I haven't decided what to do with that one yet.

I'll figure something out.

Until next time,

Monday, September 24, 2007

Part 2: God Gets a Lawyer

Wow, I didn't think this would happen. But there have been developments in the lawsuit against God.

Looks like God found Himself a lawyer who has responded in His defense. The problems He was accused of, God's lawyer says, is the fault of the people for not acknowledging signs of impending doom. I wonder what's going to happen next...

Click here for the whole story.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Most Amusing

Okay, I know it's kind of boring when I just post news stories, but this has got to be one of the most amusing stories I've read in a really really really long time.

A Nebraska state senator sued God last week. Yes, that's right: he sued God. Sen. Ernie Chambers has accused God of causing "widespread death, destruction, and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants." The Almighty is also alliterationally accused of causing "fearsome floods... horrendous hurricanes, [and] terrifying tornadoes."

The senator, apparently, was trying to prove his point that anyone can bring a lawsuit against anyone, and that the whole thing is getting a little out of hand, as we now have to deal with frivolous lawsuits left and right. Awesome idea. Really.

Click here for the whole ridiculous story. (note: the picture is especially ironic. I love it.)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Amusing News #2

Okay so here are a couple more news stories that I found amusing in some way or another. Honestly, I think I just like trying to come up with clever tag-lines, haha. Enjoy!

O.J. Simpson a suspect... maybe this time...

One sausage is enough

An Un-sticky situation ... har har... this is actually pretty cool.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Amusing News #1

Hello everyone!

I apologize for the long post last time. I know that I ramble on for too long, but sometimes that's how long it takes for me to fully explain the thoughts going through my head. Sometimes there's just too many, but whatever.

I'm not going to do that here though. Not a lot has been going on lately. I moved back to Jersey for my senior year of college! Woo hoo! Celebrate good times, come on! Heck yes. Kinda excited, but also kinda sad that it's all going to be over in a few months' time. But prospects on the horizon are pretty exciting. We shall see.

But since I don't really have much to talk about, I thought I'd share a few things that were amusing me today (in true blog fashion):

National Let's Make a Baby Day!

Creepy Attempt to Make Blood Run as One

Lonely Ex-Con a Con Again

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Meanings of Sounds

(I apologize in advance for the heaviness of this post.)

Isn't it funny how our brains assign meanings to sounds and smells and sights, how we can condition our brains to assign these meanings, how external forces make us assign these meanings?

When we are younger, all the sounds of the world are new to us. Slowly we learn to associate noises with sources and eventually they become second nature. Oh, that soft pattering? That's just the rain. That click and subsequent rush of air? Oh, that's just the air conditioner. It must be hot in here.

Eventually these noises that may startle us the first time we hear them will drift into our subconscious and we hardly notice them when we hear them again, right? Usually.

There is one sound that will always haunt me though. The first time I remember hearing it is a day that we all remember.

In a couple of weeks, it will be the six year anniversary of the day that will forever be known as September 11th. It needs no context year. The anniversary will also be on a Tuesday, just like it was. I remember most of that morning pretty clearly. It was so beautiful outside that morning. I was in NC, but the weather was still stunning. The sky was blue and there were hardly any clouds at all, if there were any. As I walked to my 2nd block class (it was an A day, for all you South Meckers. So it was 3rd period, haha), I remember looking up at the sky and thinking to myself "gosh, it's such a beautiful day!"

Little did I know that approximately 2-4 minutes before the bell rang, an airplane had struck that first tower. I went about my day.

I don't actually know when we finally found out. Sometime after the plane hit the pentagon, that I know. My teacher's wife had called him and told him, and he told us. Both the towers had been hit, and so had the pentagon. We didn't believe him. A few people giggled nervously. "Psssh, what are you talking about, Coach Bagwell?" But his face showed no signs of of a joke. Someone got up and turned on the TV. Sure enough, it was not a sick joke. The rest of the day was filled with news and discussion, pure denial and fear.

Some of the details of my awareness are garbled, a fact I struggle with often. But one thing I do know is that I'm not sure I grasped the gravity of what had just transpired. I knew what had happened, but I wasn't sure of what I had seen.

People were dead. Thousands of them. I only vaguely remember crying. But I do remember being scared. And I remember watching hours and hours of news for the following few days. One day they aired a video that a doctor had shot. He had had to hide behind a parked car to avoid being knocked over and asphyxiated by the smoke and dust. The camera shook Blair-Witch Style, he ducked behind the car, and then the screen went black. A few seconds later it got lighter and the man stood up. Everything was gray. The car, the buildings, the people, even the air. I thought I was going to vomit. And to make things worse, I could hear that sound. That sound that has come to define fear for me. That sound that when I hear it, even now, I am immediately back 6 years watching the dazed faces stumble through the ash-filled streets.

The incessant beeping coming from the fire fighters filled my ears. Every day for hours on end. It was meant to signal "hey, I'm over here," but to me signaled "I'm nowhere to be seen," and I feared the worst. That sound, to this day, haunts me. I heard it on the news a few months ago, and I was brought back instantly. My mind was in a panic once again. Almost immediately I saw the ash and the broken windows and the personal affects. I saw the sun straining to stream down through the cloud of smoke and ash and dust. The important documents floating delicately down through the early September breeze. That video shot by the documentary team with the fire fighters. You know the one. They heard a horrible noise and looked up as an enormous passenger jet barreled into one of the buildings that once made the New York skyline so recognizable.

That one day, and all its events, have imprinted on my mind a terrible, frightful meaning for that arbitrary sound. It's just a beep after all. It means something to those of certain professions, but mean nothing to me personally. But that one day, the meaning became personal. I understood what it was. The meaning stuck in my brain and subsequently conjures up unwanted images every time I hear it.

Eventually, maybe, that sound will just be added to the list of noises I recognize without fear: the air conditioner kicking on, sirens in the distance, the crow of a rooster, a hair dryer, the whirring of a laptop fan straining to cool the hard drive. These are all things that I hear and think nothing of. Maybe one day the beeping coming from the uniforms of fire fighters, the beep that is so useful in saving their lives, will drop from my consciousness.

Maybe, but I seriously doubt it.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Virtual Barbershop

This doesn't really pertain to me, but I found it really cool and I wanted to share. This is called the "Virtual Barbershop." Here you will hear sounds that make you think you're actually in a barbershop and a man is actually demonstrating things for you. It's really crazy how this works. The human brain never ceases to amaze me.

For best results, you need to listen to it with headphone with your eyes closed. It helps with the virtual feel.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Recent Developments

Well, not a whole lot has happened to me in the past 10 or so days that I last posted something. I've been reading a lot of comics online (Toothpaste For Dinner and Natalie Dee mostly). My friend TJ also told me about this site called McSweeney's lists. It's just lists about random things that people do, think, or observe or whatever. Some of them are pretty funny. Some of them, not so, but that's life. But TJ had the idea to start our own lists blog when we start working again. There's nothing else to do really when there's down time at work, so why not make some random lists. When I know more, I'll let all of you loyal readers know.

Besides that I've been spending a lot of time talking to people from that dating site I talked about last post. Some of them interesting, some of them not. One of them very interesting, haha. Perhaps more on that later as well.

What's more impending is the doom of a new semester. I finally purchased my parking pass which cost me $250. I still need to register for one more class and buy my textbooks. Hooray for having to borrow money from relatives because I was too stupid to be able to land a job this summer! Hopefully this year will be great, seeing as it's probably my last. Grad school may still be an option, but I don't know. I'll have to wait and see. I wish the secretary of my department would finally email me my password so I can register. I mean, seriously, it's been like 2 weeks. Email me already! Grr. Infuriating.

Though, I am going to see Editors on September 7. That's exciting!

Until next time...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Public groping? Yeah, sure, why not?

Alright, so I'm going to be upfront. I joined this dating site called OkCupid earlier this week. It's pretty fun. It doesn't have any of the stipulations like paying, and it's not at all snobby like eHarmony. This site specifically says that it gives you a "compatibility" score, but that you are the only one who can really figure that out for sure.

They also have a really great sense of humor over there. While filling out some personality quiz or something, one of the questions said "If you have STDs, go here." The word "here" was a link that took you to There are also all sorts of surveys and quizzes and stuff to help you judge who you're compatible with.

And it was while answering some of these questions that I stumbled upon this question:

"If the subway was crowded and you were packed against several people just to fit in the car, would you grope the cutest one next to you?... they would never know it was you, much less that they were groped."

Then you had to choose Yes, No, or I Don't Know. Then you have to choose what your "ideal match" would answer and how important that is. But, really, that's a question that can influence who I'm compatible with?

That's awesome!

I sat and thought about it for a second. Then I determined, that yes, I would totally do it. I've always wanted to goose someone, so why not on a crowded subway train when no one could tell either way? But then again, if they were cute, I might want them to know they were actually groped. And if they showed any sign of possibly being interested in me, then I'd want them to know it was me.

So that question is kind of loaded then, I guess. Haha. Either way, I'd totally do it.

And yes, I said that my ideal match would do it as well. How important is it that they answer it that way? Somewhat, haha.

So I guess if I groped and was groped simultaneously? Damn. A match made in naughty heaven.

Not that I like being groped in public by random people or make a habit of groping strangers, but it could be fun...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I Can Still Remember...

I wonder if this applies to anyone else:

I've always known, and yet just recently realized that my memory is, for the most part, spatially oriented. This means that I can remember certain details, certain conversations, based on my physical location at the time the conversation or event occurred. I can also recall facts based on their physical location on a page.

As far as I can remember, I've always done this. When we would have tests in school, I'd be able to remember answers to the questions based on where physically the answer or topic was in my notes or in the textbook. Was it on the back of the page at the top? Was there a doodle on the page? Maybe it was on the front of a page, but somewhere in the middle. Or if it was in a textbook, was there a picture on the page, and how did the text wrap around it? If I could remember the layout of the text, then chances were I could remember the answer, or at least remember enough information to make an educated guess.

I didn't think this was a photographic memory, but is it?

It's not just with academic stuff. I once wanted to test my new memory theory, an idea I had while studying for the AP European History test my senior year of high school. I was thinking about it as I walked into the kitchen to get a drink. I decided to try something. I opened the refrigerator door and thought to myself, "I will remember this moment for the rest of my life." And so far I have. It's an utterly meaningless moment, and yet I willed myself to remember it.

This kind of applies to my skill at memory games like "I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing..." type games. I once played a version of this game with my friend Mary Ann (about a year ago) and I still remember that "crotchless panties" were mentioned near the gas station across from my favorite record store. A pack of batteries was listed at a traffic light, and a certain friend's crooked tooth was mentioned near, if not in, MA's neighborhood.

There's a spot at the start of an on-ramp for the Garden State Pkwy in Jersey on the way to the airport that reminds me of a conversation I had in which I mentioned "High and Dry" by Radiohead. A little further down the Pkwy in the same direction is a sign that will cue me to say "monkey" as I said it now would upon revealing my skill to my friend TJ who was driving the car.

Whenever I mention this ability to someone, they seem pretty amazed by it. Am I the only one who can do this? Or just the only who does it consciously?

Sunday, July 15, 2007

School: Preparing Us For More School

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I've come to the conclusion that I have always been prepared for the pretend world -- that is, school and school-like situations. I've always received good grades. I think I've had like 1 or 2 B's, like 3 or 4 A-'s and the rest A's my entire college career. I'm well adjusted to the learning environment, and all that crap.

But, as we journalism majors seem to be reminded somewhat often, this really does not matter at all. What really matters is experience. A newspaper isn't going to care that you got an A in every reporting class you took. What they're going to care about is whether you can write. Which I suppose makes sense. Problem is, I think I'm more prepared for taking the class.

I'm not ready to be released into the "Real World" (and not just because working at a newspaper isn't my ideal job). I don't think school has prepared me for the "Real World." I know how to do work and answer questions to the satisfaction of my professors and teachers. I'm pretty good at reading them and being able to tell what level of bullshit is going to get me an A. But surely, real life can't be so easy.

Case in point: I took this one class last semester. I'm not going to reveal the name just in case any professors or fellow students or deans or whatever happen to stumble upon this. It was a journalism class, but it wasn't a writing intensive class. Now, I had this professor before, and overall I think he is a good professor. I learn a lot from him, and he's actually interesting to listen to. However, having had him a semester previous, I knew just want I had to do in this class. I knew exactly how hard I had to work, how much I had to pay attention. We had to write 3 papers in that class. I wrote every single one of them the night before they were due. In my opinion, only one of them was good. The other were complete crap. I made up theses and tried to make the research fit what I was trying to prove. I didn't make up the research, I just chose to omit what would be detrimental to my case (Note: the theses weren't complete crap, but they perhaps were full of holes, and I just plain didn't care about them).

I guess everyone does this, but the point here is that I worked only hard enough to get by (albeit, with an A... though somehow I DID manage to pull out a 100 on that final exam. I'm not quite sure how that happened, haha). But what I'm saying here is that I know how to excel at school. But I have this fear that the real world is not going to be like this. I get into classes because I register on time. I get into Honour Societies because I do well in my classes. I get all these privileges and awards for little effort, it feels. And yet, I can't find a job to save my life.

By the time I graduate, I will have somewhere close to $70,000 in loans to pay off. Probably a little more. How am I going to pay those off with no job? After 16 (17 after this year) years of schooling, I don't think I'm prepared at all to live on my own like a normal citizen.

[Though, what little hope I still have left in my being able to create a future for myself is making me seriously consider moving to Georgia when I graduate. I think there are a few career/job opportunities I can work my way through there. And can you believe I'm even thinking about going to grad school? Me -- Ms. Anti-Grad School!... heh... maybe it's so that I can keep going to school and I won't have to worry about this scary place called the "Real World".]

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Achievements In Insomnia

For most of the summer, since I've been back in Charlotte, I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping. I don't know if it's the overwhelming sense of not having to do anything, or what. I don't mean to, but I stay up later and later every night, and wake up later and later every day. I have no idea what's wrong, and it seems that no matter what I do, I can't stop it.

It honestly started at the beginning of May when I made my "big" return. At school, the latest I went to sleep was probably around 2am. Lately, it hasn't been unusual for me to not fall asleep until 3:30 or 4. One day I was supposed to drive up to Greensboro with my friend. I had to be up at 8 that morning, but I hadn't gone to sleep but 4 hours before. I try to make myself tired by watching shows online, but I have an alarming attention span. I spent many of that day's wee hours watching old episodes of Ugly Betty on

But that's not the worst. It's gotten progressively more inconvenient since then. I've spent a few sleepless nights lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling. Maybe getting up to try to read or watch more shows, or play my piano. Nothing works definitively, but I end up drifting to sleep around 6am. A couple days last week, I didn't go to sleep until after the sun was rising and I heard the alarm clock in my parents' room.

But Monday/Tuesday, was my crowning achievement in insomnia. Monday was a typical day for me. I managed to drag my lazy ass out of bed around 1:30pm. I went through the day without much excitement. But then it came time to sleep. Unfortunately, I got distracted by some episodes of Dead Like Me on a website that has a bunch of links to television shows, cartoons, movies, documentaries, and other cool things. Starting around 1am (just under 12 hours of being awake), I found one of my favorite tv shows about grim reapers, and started watching. Before I knew it, it was 4am. I thought, "I should probably try to get some sleep." So I minimized my windows so I could watch later and went and lay in my bed.

Half an hour of staring sleeplessly at the ceiling, and I decided to give the show another try. I watched for a few more hours. I tried going to sleep again at 6am, but that didn't work either. I went for a couple more episodes. At 8:20, still having not slept since the day before, I emerged from my room to make myself some scrambled eggs. They were delicious.

So now it's 9am. I'm a little tired, but I can't fall asleep. I decided to try an experiment. I decided that maybe if I hold on for 24 hours of consciousness, then maybe I could take a nap in the afternoon and then be able to sleep at night. Well, after watching the last 3 or 4 episodes of Season 2 of Dead Like Me (I watched practically the entire second season that night), I decided to try my nap. At 1:30 or 2pm on Tuesday, I napped on the couch. I slept for 5.5 hours. I got up, ate a bit of dinner, watched some more TV and I thought I was set. I was in bed by 1 or 1:30am last night, and I thought, "eggs would be nice again at 8:30," and resolved to make it an early morning to get my rhythm back to sleeping and waking at decent hours.

The trouble is, I didn't wake up today until 2pm. I slept for over 12 straight hours. Fuck me. I guess my experiment didn't work out so well.

I'm going to try again for breakfast tomorrow (this) morning. I hope to be awake in 6.5 hours. Then maybe my whole day won't be a waste. We'll see, though...

(Sorry I write so much. I'll try to cut back.)

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Stressful Dream #2

I had a dream last night that my mom hid my piano from me. I don't know why she would have done that, but she did, as sort of a practical joke, I guess. When I realized that it was gone, I flipped out. I went crazy. On the verge of tears, I set out to find it, but I didn't get very far. I walked down the main road outside my neighborhood for a while, but nothing. I didn't get very far though; I didn't have a lot of time.

We had to go somewhere. Like an orientation or something. We were in this house, and there were lots and lots of people there. I think Ultimate Fighter Nigel Hudson was there, but I don't remember what purpose he served. But it was sort of a sleep-away orientation, like when you're a freshman in college, I guess. But I was in a room, and it was nighttime, and I happened to look out the window, and there was my piano, leaning against a tree. It looked like it had branches leaned against it, an apparent attempt at camouflage.

Again, I kind of freaked out. I ran outside and tried to get it, but someone was standing in my way. This is where it gets hazy. I can't remember exactly the sequence of events, but at one point I'm getting sprayed in the face with a hose. A high pressure hose, I might add. It was drowning me. I can't remember if I actually get the piano.

But then suddenly I'm Trey Parker. Or I'm watching Trey Parker tell the story of how he got sprayed in the face with hose. He was telling my story. To his daughter. Who was this like two- or three-year-old blond girl. And then I think a magazine wrote a story about it, but I really don't remember much after that.

But what's up with being drown for trying to retrieve my piano? Does this go along with my other recent dreams of being smothered? What exactly is going on? Do I need to brace myself for something, here?

Even though these dreams are somewhat amusing when I think about them after I'm already awake, I really just wish I could have a happy, non-stressful dream for once.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Modern Day Balladeers

I had this strange realization a few months ago. As far as I know, no one else seems to see this or think this, but every time I think about it, it makes me giggle. No one can really deny that the music industry is run by men. Now, before you zone out, thinking I'm this ultra femme, relax. I'd much rather be a housewife than work in an office as the CEO of some company (of course, I am extremely lazy), but that's sort of beside the point.

But, so everyone knows that men sort of run the whole music thing. Men make up the majority of singers (I'm mostly talking about the pop/rock genre, here). Yes, there have been a few female singers like Mariah Carey or, God help me, Britney Spears or whatever. But I honestly just had to sit here trying to think of their names. This is opposed to the likes of Bryan Adams, Sting, R.E.M., Radiohead, Counting Crows, Hootie & the Blowfish, Edwin McCain, Collective Soul, Live... hell, even Eminem. I could go on. Men are more widely known and accepted (and those names were just the first few that came to mind). How many female rockers can you name that have had long, fulfilling careers? Or hell, even if their careers weren't that long and fulfilling, how many of them do we still remember (and we're ignoring one-hit wonders from both sexes)?

I'm sure they do exist, but I cannot think of any of them right now. So, considering that, in our culture, men are the singers. So, what is singing? I'd define it as an emotional expression of feelings and thoughts through a tonal and lyrical medium. But wait, aren't those typically "female characteristics"? Aren't women the ones who are typically stuck with the trait of being sensitive and caring and emotional and whatever? And yet, here are all these men making a living being just that.

I'm not saying that men can't be emotional or sensitive. I'm just saying that they are traits that are associated with women, and yet are clearly visible in every single male musician. And we accept that as fact. Does anyone else see this as ironic? I'm not saying it's bad, it's just interesting. And it has been going on for centuries. Just think of the wandering balladeers. As far as I know, none of them were female. Who was more sensitive and charming and emotional than the balladeers?

And so, after coming to that conclusion, every time I really think about a guy being a singer, it brings a smile to my lips and a giggle to my throat. Singing just feels like such a female quality, that it makes me laugh whenever I think of a man doing it. (It's really the same concept as poetry being female, though there are arguably more examples of successful female poets than there are successful female rockers).

Perhaps the deeper issue I'm getting at here is this: there is a societal double standard on men, saying that they cannot be sensitive or emotional or express their feelings without being labeled "gay." UNLESS they're a singer. Then it's okay.

And it's this double standard that is ironic and amusing. It's the reason society both fascinates and irks me. Guys can be phenomenal singers. I'll take a male voice over a female voice any day (depending, of course, on whose voice, haha). But singing just seems like such a female thing. Maybe it comes from other genres of entertainment where females are more dominant. Like musical cartoon fairy tales. Growing up, I used to watch that old Cinderella movie almost daily. Ol' Cindy sang while doing chores, to the mice, to herself, whatever. In fairy tale movies, most of the singing is done by women. Maybe that's why, when I move to another genre like more popular music, the fact that most of the singers are guys is a little... off.

I don't know. I don't know how to explain it any better. It's just something that amused me. And as I'm listening to a guy I know sing in a register he's perhaps not that comfortable singing in, the irony really makes me giggle... (I still love his songs and his voice though).

Just thought I'd share.

(Here's another interesting thought: why is it that when guys are singers, they are labeled sensitive and slightly less masculine than a fireman [though still acceptable], but when women attempt to be singers in the same genre, they have to "butch" up, they have to be tough and kind of bitchy, like Avril Lavigne, or Meredith Brooks [remember that song "Bitch"? That's what I'm talking about]? Singers, it seems, can bring in both sides of sexuality to create entities that are both gender-bending and socially acceptable. Hmm...)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Death of a ThinkPad

My laptop died today (or yesterday, as it is almost 2am). It seemed to be working fine earlier today. I glanced at it/checked the time probably around 5:45 this evening, and when I came back to check my email about about quarter to 8, there was a black screen and a tiny whiter cursor blinking in the top left corner. I don't know if this could be considered "blue screening" as the screen was not blue. Then again, it may have been blue when it started its death throws, but alas, I was not here to witness it.

So, here I am, typing away on my parents' computer. Man, this thing is old. I used this thing to write my Senior Exit Paper. Talk about memories. I was on this computer about 3.5 years ago when I smelled toast even though no one had been cooking, prompting me to wonder if I had a brain tumor. It was also here, sitting at this computer, that I had a breakdown whilst doing pre-calculus homework in 11th grade. I threw my book and my notebook across the room. I still remember the ripping of paper, and how much I didn't care. But this is also the computer where I attempted my first musical mix. I recorded myself playing "Mad World" on the piano in one file, and recorded myself singing it in another, and then spliced to two together. Now, I'm not a phenomenal singer, but the end result was pretty snazzy, especially since it was the end result of Windows standard Sound Recorder and a shitty monitor microphone (and also perhaps my first experience in something that I may want to continue pursuing).

But fond or not-so-fond memories aside, it really pisses me off that my laptop died. I'm not really sure what happened. I think the fan stopped working, causing it to overheat. This happens a lot though, but the tech guy at my school (who issued me the laptop) said that my computer must have been in pretty bad shape. But, he also said that there was a really good chance at getting all my files back. Which is a good thing. Almost all my recent writing is on that computer, along with some digital songs files -- all files I've been meaning to backup on disk, but haven't gotten around to doing yet. Also, my password for online registration is on there, and as one of my classes got cancelled and I now have to register for another one, I'm going to be needing that soon. But the tech guy also said that I could send the computer to them and they would fix it, and restore all my files (hopefully), so I guess I'm alright.

I'm still pretty bummed though.

Oh, and I still don't have a job.

But, on the brighter side, I am going to see Editors in NYC in September. Heck yes!

Much love,

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Cold Feet

I had a couple of dreams that I was being smothered last night.

In the first one, I was in bed with John Krasinski (Jim from The Office). It wasn't like that -- not really, anyway. We were lying kind of perpendicular to each other. For some reason he had one of his legs on top of me, just laying there. It was kind of holding me down. I have no idea what that was. I woke up, but decided that I really didn't want to be up yet, so I went back to sleep.

Eventually I had another dream. I was sitting in my house and Zach Braff was dating this girl I went to high school with. But he was actually interested in me. I was watching them through my living room window, and when they were done talking, she walked away and he came in my house. We promptly started making out, haha. I felt bad though; I don't want to be a homewrecker. The girl from high school came back and she was mad at me and probably calling me names. I really, honestly felt guilty about the whole thing. But according to Zach, it was all going to be okay. And then we made out more. But then suddenly there were feet in my face. I think they were Zach's, but I can't be sure. And they wouldn't go away. It was probably one of the strangest dreams I've ever had.

By themselves, they're just weird dreams. But together, they make me wonder why the hell I feel like I'm being smothered. I have no job (though hopefully that'll change soon). So there's no responsibility there. And that's really it. I have nothing pressing to do on a daily basis. But then again, maybe that's what's smothering me: the hopeless, useless feeling. I've started having headaches almost daily, something that I haven't experienced since my senior year in high school. But they're not just regular headaches. They're like pinching, throbbing pains almost constantly.

Still doesn't explain why I had feet in my face, though...

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Actual Events That Make Me Die a Little Inside: Part 1

Friend: Yeah, I went to whatever show at whatever venue at some date in the past.

Internal-AssOfMyself-Preventer: Oh yeah, I think I saw a picture of that. But I shouldn't have necessarily seen it. Don't mention the picture. Don't mention the picture. Don't mention the picture.

Me: Wait, isn't there a picture or something of you [at the show]...?

I-A-P: I hate you.

10 Hours of My Life, Gone

Yeah, I've definitely spent the last 10 hours on my computer. Isn't my life sad? In my defense, I've been working on various projects, but everytime I get up, I wonder why my ass hurts, and I think sitting on the couch since around 3pm yesterday may be the cause.

I've been compiling a list of CDs for a little "project" I'm working on with the help of friends, haha. After about 3 hours of that, I started going through my music collection with my mom to find out what she wants to put on her iPod (which she still isn't entirely comfortable with using yet). After about 2 hours of that, I started searching for this comic I remember seeing a few years ago. I know it had something to do with Pearl Jam and how hard it is to understand what he's saying in the song "Evenflow," but I cannot, for the life of me, find it anywhere! And it is driving me mad! (And now I realize that this last part wasn't so much a "project" as a pathetic excuse for a Friday night.)

And now, after giving up, I've realized that I've spent the last 5 hours looking for that damn fucking comic. 5 hours. I'm not sure you read that correctly.... I said 5, as in one-two-three-four-five fucking hours. Jesus, I didn't even realize until I started writing this paragraph. My God, I need a life.

On the upside, it gave me something to write about, so that's cool I guess.

I'm going to try my hand at keeping this blog semi-regular. Maybe someone will be interested in reading the thoughts of an extremely imaginative, unemployed twenty-something preparing for her last year of college. You never know who may be reading, I guess...

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Long Overdue

Wow, I haven't blogged in a long time. Since like the very very beginning of the year. I've written a few drafts, but I never published them on here. I've really wanted to write something, but I kind of got away from the whole blog thing. But I'd like to start again. So here goes:

I have decided that I must be terminally unemployable. Either that or I'm terminally lazy. I've applied to a few places, but none of them have every offered me positions, and when I mean to go out and apply to new places, I have panic attacks outside of the establishments. I went to find out about jobs at the library today, and I couldn't pull into the parking lot. I had to double back and go in like 20 mins later. I don't know what's wrong with me. Something, though.

But so because I don't have a job, I don't have any income, which is very sad for my bank account. And for my shopping addiction. I've only bought 4 CDs, 3 shirts, 0 pairs of shoes, and 0 purses. That's amazing for me! Unfortunately I have buyer's remorse about two of the CDs, but you win some, you lose some, I guess.

I did win with one recent CD though: Neon Bible by Arcade Fire. I must admit that I'm a little late on getting it as it was released a while ago. I wasn't originally going to get it. I tried to get into Arcade Fire last year, listening to their album Funeral, but I couldn't get into it enough to buy it. But then I heard a couple songs off this new album and figured I'd give it a try. And you know what? It's pretty good. I'd recommend it. Maybe I'll give a more cohesive review on my other blog (the link is to the right) when I get the time or if I feel like it, haha. We'll see.

That's really all for now. Real exciting, right?

P.S. - The first season of Psych is out on DVD, and that makes me happy.

Haikus for Amanda
I can't write at will
Or else my haikus are crap
See, what'd I tell you?

(hahaha how was that?)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Top 10 (Purchased or Otherwise Acquired) Albums of 2006

Hey there Kiddies,

I hope that everyone's year has gotten off to a great start. I konw mine hasn't. Haha. Eh, it's so-so. Anyway, I know I haven't posted anything in over a month, but I've been busy with finals and whatnot. But I did manage to do something that I'm actually pretty proud of. I compiled another top 10 list, this time of the best purchased or otherwise acquired albums of 2006. So, why don't you mozy on over to my other blog, "Play Your Stereo Loud" (the link is just there to the right), and read my work. Yeah, it's pretty cool. And hopefully insightful and/or helpful for your next trip to the record store.
