
Monday, February 27, 2006


Okay, so I accidentally left out some pics from this last week. First of all, I'm completely forgot to mention Bain Mattox (how could that be????). Breanne and I saw them on Wednesday [though I'm sure there was some reluctance on her part, haha;) ]. But so, I love Bain Mattox: God of Rock. He couldn't be the God of Accordion that day because it was broken. So he was the god of Banjo. (Holy crap, this is insane. My Damien Rice/Jack Johnson Pandora station is playing Stephen Lynch's "Jim Henson's Dead"! Hahahahahahah! Awesome.). Also, because I'm a huge dork, I asked Bain to take a pic with us. I love me some Bain. Haha.

Anyway, so there were also some pictures taken of last Saturday which I totally intended to include in the previous post, but forgot. So here are those: This is me being sea sick..... ...... and this is Diana almost being smushed by a helicopter out on the flight deck of the ship.

And here's the whole giant thing. The USS Intrepid, I think is what's it's called (haha, i should know... but I don't... loser). Oh and here's Diana with Fake McDreamy... It kinda looks like him, right? Right? Eh, more so in person maybe. Anyway, this is Diana and her new friend Patrick Dempsey... ::cough cough:: yes. haha.

Anyway, here are some of the pics. It was a fun day.

And I love Bain Mattox. Hehe.

My 20th Post

Howdy, and welcome to my 20th post. It's amazing, I know. I can't even remember all the posts that I've made (though honestly, i'm sure that if i thought really hard, i could). Anyway... yes. 20 posts. Congrats, me!

So, on Saturday Diana and I went to the Intrepid Museum and volunteered with this organization called Puppetry Arts Theatre. We helped little kids make puppets. Yes. It was actually fun. And we got free admission to the museum and a free lunch (which was probably better than anything I could have gotten on campus, haha). And the guy that was running it looked like Dr. McDreamy from Grey's Anatomy (and when i was watching it last night, that's who i kept seeing when McDreamy came on the screen, hahah). He's a really nice guy. And the whole thing was really fun. I think we're going to volunteer with them again in March.

Then we went to the Met. That was actually pretty cool. I want to go again just to walk around and look at everything. We had to find specific things so that Diana could write a paper, and we stopped at a few things, but I wanted her to find everything she needed. Also, my feet hurt. So next time, I'll walk around more. And it only cost me like $1, which is cool b/c i'm cheap, and this is a good price. Plus I got a cool little Met button. So maybe next time I go they'll be using the same color and I'll get in for free... heee... i'm so cheap.

In Grey's Anatomy news: I love George. That is all.

In Music news: I've been using Pandora a lot lately. It's a Godsend. Seriously. I love it. I found this guy that kinda reminds me of Damien Rice and Jack Johnson (probably b/c I found him through my Damien Rice/Jack Johnson station) named Brett Dennen. I went to the Virgin Megastore in Union Square when I went to the pillow fight, but they didn't have any more of his CD, so I couldn't buy it. Maybe Manifest will have it when I go home for Spring Break. You know how I love to buy things when I go home. Especially from Manifest... mmmmm music. Haha.

So yes, check out Brett Dennen. Other songs to check: "Sad Songs" by Matt Nathanson, "Fortune Valentines" by Pete Krebs, "Hundred Songs" by Nicolai Dunger, "Mahgeetah" by My Morning Jacket (to name a few).

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Why I love NYC:

There are many reasons why I love NYC. Every so often I forget exactly why I love it, and I think that I could live without it. But then something so small and silly, something so amazingly New York reminds me why proximity was so important when choosing a school. Now, a lot of these little things can be seen in other cities, but they're never done with quite the same NYC charm.

During the week before Saturday, February 18th, I caught wind of something I initially thought was a joke. There was going to be a pillow fight on Saturday at 2 p.m. in Union Square? Surely you jest. No. I found it on This was no joke. I decided then and there, that I was going.

On Saturday, I rode the train into the city, and made my way to Union Square. I wasted time in the many wonderful stores (like the 5 story Barnes & Noble and the Virgin Megastore), and at 1:20 I came out into the cold to wait for the fighters to assemble (I had not brought a pillow. I wanted to observe the fight, not participate. Plus, if it did end up being a joke, I wasn't going to be the only idiot with a pillow). At first there was no one there but the few requisite protestors, but slowly, people began to arrive.

At about 1:30 there were 5 pillow fighters looking for a battle. They looked lost and confused, desperate to find more of their kind. Luckily for them, as the minutes passed, more fighters did arrive. By 1:50 there were about 50-60 would-be pillow warriors. By 2:00, the number was nearly doubled. Approximately 100 to 150 fighters, armed solely with fluffy (many of which were feather) pillows, waited for the super secret cue to get started. In fact, the cue was so secret, no one was quite sure what it was going to be.

At 2:00 someone yelled "Pillow fight!" but no one moved. They looked at each other, wondering if that had been the cue, and if they had missed it. No one moved to do anything; they just looked around. But moments later, someone standing by a light post blew a whistle. The battle had commenced.

Pillows were flying everywhere. The crowd, which has started pretty spread out, condensed into a massive, pillow-weilding mob. Though most of the fighters were in their 20s and 30s, there were a few smaller children who would run up to the crowd, take a couple swings with pillows the size of their bodies and retreat into their mother's arms, only to run back and take a couple more hits. Rinse, repeat. In the middle of the mob, a few pillows exploded feathers in to the brisk air. When I gazed up at the tornado of feathers, it looked like it was snowing, but no, it was just the feathery mess of fun.

There was even a man dressed in a bright green blazer with cut-off sleeves, and a silver bike helmet with orange flames who had invented a character for the occasion. When I accosted him to talk, he had a strong Scottish accent. When I asked him his name, he was suddenly American and asked if I wanted his real or his character name. When I said it didn't matter, he started up again with the Scottish voice. "I am General Cock-eyed McFeely," he told me. "I'm an 1870s Scottish street thug who fell asleep and woke up in 2006 and decided to party!" I asked him how many battles he had engaged in this afternoon and he told me "5 score" and something about one for every year that his father had been alive before he bore him. Haha. "Alright! I'm goin' back in!" and he ran back in with his trusty fish shaped pillow, Lt. Maj. Fish Pillow.

The fighting continued for an hour and twenty minutes. When the remaining fighters had finally become too tired to fight, they made friends and reclined in the giant pile of discarded pillows. Feathers were all over Union Square. The wind had brought some down to 13th Street, and all the way into the subway terminal beneath. And even though there were at least 3 cops hanging around the outskirts of the fight, they did nothing to shut it down. There was, after all, nothing wrong with having a pillow in public. One of the cops even told me that he thought it was pretty funny, too. Ha.

It was one of the most spectacular events I've ever witnessed in the city. The fact that so many people came out on a bitter cold Saturday afternoon (one man in pajamas) just to have a pillow fight, amazes me. I love New Yorkers.

And I love New York City.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Fourth Grade Flashbacks

Wow, this makes me happy, too. And It gives me falshbacks of fourth grade when we watched The Voyage of the Mimi. It was very interesting. That's the show that taught me (in a rather disturbing at 9 years old way) that it's easier to spread body heat to someone with hypothermia when you're naked. Also, I learned how to catch dew and the such with a tarp in case I ever get stranded on an island (the folks from Lost obviously never saw it... they had to go looking for it.. psshh... haha).

But best of all, I got to see this:

and this:

Oh, Ben Affleck. Haha. How I enjoyed your stowing away on your grandfather's boat with that deaf woman. There was a deaf woman, wasn't there? I don't remember... it has been a long time.

But, oh, I loved The Voyage of the Mimi. It was definitely the most interesting 13 (or so) days of science class.

Remembering random things like this make me happy. Hehe.

Also, last night I was listening to Creed's "Human Clay," and I had flashbacks of 7th grade, when I was reading my favorite book The Secret of Dragonhome. Man, I loved that book. I'm going to read it when I go home for spring break. Haha. I love having flashbacks.... :D

Monday, February 06, 2006

Mmmmm Wedding Singer

This makes me immensely happy. :D

I'm so proud of Stephen Lynch in a weird "I knew and loved him years ago" sort of way. I'm so excited. I can't wait. Hehehe... I'm giddy.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Jack Johnson and the Plane Crash

Last night I had one of the scariest dreams I've ever had. And probably one of the most vivid. I was at some sort of carnival or something... more like a fair. It had different booths and stuff. I was there with a few people, but I can't really remember who. Maybe Mary Ann and Alison, and a few other people. I don't specifically recall. But at one point we started talking about Jack Johnson, and I was like "eh, I don't really like Jack Johnson. I mean, I like a few of his songs, but I don't really like him." Only the guy I was thinking about was Ben Harper, but whatever. So we're walking from booth to booth, and then we actually see Jack Johnson. And he has his own booth selling... I dunno... surfboards? But so everyone else with me got all excited because aparently they love him. And they wanted to take a picture with him, but I wasn't allowed in the picture because I didn't like him. And it made me kinda jealous because I did like him... my earlier statements had been about someone else, but I was just stupid and got the name wrong.

Anyway, so ol' Jack and I got to talking, and he liked me and we became friends. And we're just talking talking talking when we hear this really weird noise. We look up and there's a plane above us, and it's on fire. There's black smoke streaming out of it. We're like "oh shit, where is it gonna land?" And by this time, we're no longer at the fair; now we're on my campus behind the university center. And the plane is flying, or trying, over us. Then it make this sharp turn and we panic, thinking maybe it might land somewhere on campus. But then it makes another sharp turn and we're like "okay, at least it won't land on campus..." But then... of course... it makes another sharp turn and Jack's like "quick over there!" and we all jump into this stone stairwell that leads down to South Orange Ave. Our reasoning is that being below the land that the plane will land on will protect us at least somewhat from whatever might come our way... for instance, the explosion of fire and hot air.

So as soon as we get down there, the plane, which wasn't really all that big, crashes right behind the cafeteria. And flames and smoke shoot out in every direction. We all huddle down to the bottom of the stairwell, covering out heads, tornado-drill style as everything passes over us.

When we get up... someone has already set up a triage. There was this old lady and she was all burned down her back. It was awful. Someone was putting cool strips of cloth on her. Then Libby from "Lost" shows up, and apparently she's a doctor or something. She's telling us all that we have to take certain kinds of vitamins (which reminds me of those pills that you're supposed to take in case of nuclear radiation... potassium iodide or something). But then she said something like "except for those of us with burns. We're on a different diet." Whatever that has to do with vitamins. But so now I'm like "am I burned?"

I was wearing a tank top, so I guess it was conceivable. So I went over to Jack and I was like "Jack, is my back burned?" and he looked up at me but didn't say anything. Then Kate from Lost showed up (i had a lot of guest stars in my dream i guess). I think she kinda told me that my back was burned but it wasn't really bad. I could kind of see it when i tried to look at my shoulder. My back was definitely red. That scared the crap out of me, fears of infection running through my head. Hiding in the stairwell wasn't that useful anyway. But then i noticed something else. My hand really hurt. So I looked down at it, and the back of it was all red. And it burned. It really really hurt. And then i noticed that the skin was starting to bubble a little. It really really really hurt. It was awful. So I started screaming and crying. Right before I woke up there were like 6 or 7 bubbles on the back of my hand.

But then I did wake up. And I realized that I had been sleeping on my hand. And it was hot and had sleep lines on it from my sheets. I chuckled a little as I rolled over, but couldn't get the image of the explosion out of my head.

Right before the flames came over us I remember thinking: "I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye..."

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Luxury of not having a community bathroom...

Oh man, I'm watching "The Office" right now. Have you ever seen that show? It's hilarious. I love it.

Anyway, yeah, I'm also just sitting at my desk kinda bored (there are commercials right now). Also, I've had to pee for over an hour, but someone has been in the bathroom since I don't even know when. I went to open the door about 8:30, but I saw that the light was on, which to sensible people means that there's someone in there, but my suitemates don't always seem to get that, and sometimes leave the light on. So usually I listen to see if there's anyone in there. Usually there isn't, so then I check the door to see if it's locked. This time though, I did hear someone in there, doing God knows what. So I walked away. Like 10 mintues later I hear them moving around making more noise. Only now they're dropping things. And now they're taking a shower. They've been taking a shower for like 45 minutes (holy crap! the shower just turned off!!!). But they're still in there. That annoys me in a selfish, "It's my bathroom too" sort of way. I dunno. Sweet Jesus! They just unlocked the door! There is a God.

Okay, so yeah. I have to take a german test that I accidentally missed on Wednesday. Here's to actually waking up on time tomorrow, eh? Haha. Then I have to work... but then I don't have to work at the station tomorrow night because I traded shifts with Jill. So maybe I'll go into the city. Meet up with Cousin. We'll see....

Hooray for NJ Transit Free week!